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CAPACITorr® Z200 NEG pump, DN35CF

Product code: PUSAESCAPACITorr®200

The CapaciTorr® Z 200 is a NEG pump providing large performance in an extremely compact volume. In spite of its minimal chamber intrusion and small weight, it features impressive pumping speed for H2 and for the other active gases present in UHV or XHV systems (H2O, O2, CO2, CO and N2).

The pump is based on high performance SAES® ZAO® sintered porous getter disks, and comes on a standard CF35 base flange with built-in heater that directly connects to the flange power feedthrough (bakeable up to 400°C). A suitable connector provides easy and fast connection to the pump power supply for the activation.

The pump is the perfect choice in applications where space and weight constraint, absence of vibrations and minimal electromagnetic interference must be coupled to excellent pumping performance and UHV-XHV standards.

The ZAO getter material provides superior pumping performance for H2 than the St 172.

Specifications: CAPACITorr® Z200 NEG pump, DN35CF

  • Flange: DN 35CF
  • Bakeable: up to 400°C
  • Getter Surface: 300 cm2
  • Alloy type: ZAO
  • Activision power: 50 W (11 V)
  • NEG length: 88 mm

Downloads: Datasheet SAES CAPACITorr® Z 200 (pdf)  /  SAES CAPACITorr oberview (pdf)


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