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Dual Shaft Dual Rotary Sample Transporter

Product code: RMDG40-XXXX-YYYY

Dual rotary sample transporters are designed to accept active end effectors such as pincers, wafer lifting gear or rotatable sample platforms. Installed end effectors are driven by turning one air-side magnet against the other. Turning both magnets simultaneuosly rotates the end effector around the linear axis.

Two sets of rare earth magnets on the air- and vacuumside provide the necessary force to ensure a rigid coupling from the handles to the shafts. The two shafts are guided by DicroniteTM (WS2) dry lube coated sapphire hybride ball bearings.

  • Standard strokes: 0500 / 0750 / 1000mm
  • Standard retracted length: 0050mm
  • Customized stroke: Specify XXXX min. 50mm / max. 1000mm
  • Customized retracted length: Specify YYYY min. 45mm / max. 200mm

Standard example: RMDG40-0500-0050 = Dual Shaft Dual Rotary Sample Transporter DN40CF, 500mm linear travel,  50mm retracted shaft length.

Customized Example: RMDG40-0650-0100 = Dual Shaft Dual Rotary Sample Transporter DN40CF 650mm linear travel, 100mm retracted shaft length.

RMDG40 compatible options and accessories: See below.


Specifications: Dual Shaft Dual Rotary Sample Transporter

linear travel X >= 0mm AND <= 1000mm; standard 0mm
retracted length Y >= 45mm AND <= 200mm; standard 50mm

  • Linear force: ~70N
  • Torque: ~5Nm
  • Bakeout temperature: 200 °C max.
  • Pressure range 1E-11mbar to 1000mbar
  • DicroniteTM (W-disulfide) dry lube coated ball bearings
  • Fully UHV compatible materials

drawing (pdf)  | manuals  |  deflection chart (pdf)

Options and Accessories

List price:

2'196.32 CHF

2'366.09 EUR*
2'466.17 USD*

Pincer for Flag Style Plates

Product code: PGRMS(OMH)

As an accessory to our dual shaft sample transporters, this pincer is used to handle standard flag style sample plates.

List price:

4'635.00 CHF

4'993.27 EUR*
5'204.47 USD*

Pincer for Wafer Handling

Product code: PGRMWAF

High force pincer for direct gripping of 2"... 6" wafers. To protect the wafer and for a secure grip, the jaws are equipped with FKM-O-rings.

List price:

2'725.68 CHF

2'936.36 EUR*
3'060.57 USD*

Gear Driven Rotatable Storage Platform for 4 flag style plates

Product code: RSCRMJ4OM

A set of gears driven by the inner shaft of a dual sample transporter provides for azimuthal rotation of the storage- and transfer platform. The platform accepts up to four commonly used flag style plates.

List price:

1'633.16 CHF

1'759.40 EUR*
1'833.82 USD*

Hexapod Port Aligner DN40CF for angular and lateral displacement

Product code: PA40HEX

Hexapod Port aligner DN40CF (2.75" OD), L=90 +/-5mm, free inner diameter 38mm (if centered). Hexapod port aligners are especially sturdy and allow for adjustment of lateral as well as angular displacement.

List price:

1'109.42 CHF

1'195.17 EUR*
1'245.73 USD*

Port Aligner DN40CF

Product code: PA40

Port aligner DN40CF (2.75" OD), L=90 +/-5mm, free bore 38mm

List price:

1'850.00 CHF

1'993.00 EUR*
2'077.30 USD*

Compact Port Aligner DN40CF

Product code: PA40E

Compact port aligner DN40CF (2.75" OD), L=60mm +4mm/-11.3mm, free bore 38mm.

List price:

1'368.47 CHF

1'474.25 EUR*
1'536.61 USD*

Extra-Sturdy tube support with pivot mounted shafts OD 16mm

Product code: TSRMBS

Two left/right threaded 16mm OD shafts to support and protect your sample transporter. Recommended for sample transporters with a travel range >=750mm


List price:

on request

Magnetic coupling with rotation stop

Product code: MKRMDGRS

The presented magnetic coupling limits rotational motion of the inner shaft to a preset angle and is made for dual shaft sample transporters of the type RMJG and RMDG.


List price:

on request

Motorized Linear Drive for Sample Transporter

Product code: DRVRMOTL

1-axis motorized precision drive unit for RM sample transporters for automatic and reproducible extension of the shaft. Rotary motion is done manually.

List price:

on request

Motorized Linear and Double Rotary Drive for Dual-shaft Sample Transporter

Product code: DRVRMOTLRR

3-axis motorized precision drive unit for RMDG or RMJG sample transporters. For automatic and reproducible extension and independent rotation of it's two shafts.

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