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Mini NexGeneration UHV Suitcase CF16 Package

Product code: VSN40M(CF16)-XXXX

Wherever space is limited or if you just want the smallest and lightest UHV suitcase available, the VSN40M is the ideal solution for transferring multiple samples at once between separate instruments. It is a truly portable, especially compact, lightweight and slim UHV system. Availability of Combined Non-Evaporable Getter (NEG) and Ion-pump technology made it's design feasible.

A compiled storage stack provides space for multiple sample plates. Alternatively, a revolving sample carrier for multidirectional access can also be installed. Wherever only a single sample needs to be picked up and transported a grabber can also be chosen instead.

The travel length of the linear/rotary feedthrough can be chosen from the following options: 200 / 300 / 400 / 500mm

The high voltage for the ion-pump element is delivered by the rechargeable, battery-driven power supply LSA3.1. The vacuum level is shown directly on the display optimized for SAES™ NexTorr pumps of the types D100-5, D200-5. The NEG element can be activated with our included LSN controller.

The whole package comes shipped in our flightcase for best protection of the delicate pump.

To help us see if this configuration suits your needs, please fill out our Controlled Environment Workflow Questionnaire.

Please do not hesitate to contact us directly:

Specifications: Mini NexGeneration UHV Suitcase CF16 Package

Linear Travel X >= 200mm AND <= 500mm; standard 300mm

This configuration of the VSN40M includes:

  • storage stack (to be defined)
  • linear/rotary feedthrough MD16-XXXX-0030 (standard options: 200 / 300 / 400 / 500mm)
    • Extended length from gate valve flange = travel length (XXXX) - 115mm
    • Extended length from KF adapter flange = travel length (XXXX) - 140mm
  • NexTorr D100-5 combined NEG-Ion pump
  • LSA3 controller with pressure and temperature readout
  • LSN1 controller for NEG activation
  • full set of controller cables
  • flightcase for Mini NexGeneration UHV Suitcase
  • extra short CF40 to KF40 adapter with KF40 buffer volume cap
  • viewport on top

Bakeout temperature: 150deg C max.
Fully UHV compatible materials
Weight: approx. 5.5kg (+1kg for each controller)

The suitcase is delivered under Ultra High Vacuum, ready for immediate use.

CIP Worldwide (Incoterms 2000)

Downloads:  drawing (pdf)  |  manuals
Please do not hesitate to contact us for questions regarding the specifications.

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