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XYZ Boomerax Manipulator XY travel=+-12.5mm, Z travel=ZZZZmm

Product code: MXYZCF100TCF63-0012-ZZZZ

This Boomerax XYZR translation stage combines X, Y and Z translation in a compact assembly of rigid, backlash-free and optimally matched components. Alingment studs on the base plate allow for a +/-2° tilt of the Z-axis.

It's large micrometer heads with vernier scale allow for a readout accuracy of 2 microns in X and Y and 5 microns in Z. All axes can be motorized and in combination with linear absolute encoders, resolutions down to the nanometer range can be achieved. 

The XY travel range can be limited mechanically by adjustable end stops and/or by adding electrical limit switches.

With it's large free bore of 100mm of the XY-module and a free inner diameter of 65mm for the Z-module, this manipulator is ideally suited to accept inserts with a diameter of up to 63mm OD. Typical applications include the installation of a Helium flow cryostat or a variable temperature insert for in-situ sample preparation.

Inserts are mechanically supported by a slide bearing (guide ring) installed in the top flange of the XY-module.

Highest quality edge welded bellows fulfill the strictest requirements in terms of leak tightness and durability.
Our Boomerax Manipulators are available with various options and accessories.

Specifications: XYZ Boomerax Manipulator XY travel=+-12.5mm, Z travel=ZZZZmm


1x Boomerax XY Stage DN100 with +-12.5mm travel

Product code: MXY100CF100TCF63TXY12

  • XY travel: +-12.5mm
  • free bore: 102mm
  • resolution: 2 micron (if manually driven. Motorized and encoded versions achieve higher resolutions)
  • mounting flange: DN100CF (6" OD) tapped M8 (other flanges on request)
  • travelling flange: DN63CF (4.5" OD) tapped M8 (other flanges on request)
  • adjustable tilt: 2°
  • adjustable mechanical end stops
  • bakeout temperature: 150 °C max.
  • pressure range: 1E-11 to 1000 mbar
  • He leak rate: <1E-10 mbar*l/s
  • All vacuum-side components cleaned to UHV standards.
  • Air-side lubrication used on certain parts:
    • Spindle: Motorex Type 3000
    • Screws: CRC Dry Lube F 32602-AA
    • Linear rails: Krytox GPL 225

Downloads: drawing (pdf)  /  3D-model (stp)

1x [POSSIBLE] Boomerax Z Stage DN65

Product code: MZ63CF63CF63-ZZZZ

  • Z travel: 100, 200, 300, 500, 750, 1000mm
  • free bore: 65mm
  • resolution: 5 micron (if manually driven. Motorized and encoded versions achieve higher resolutions)
  • transmission: 1:2
  • spindle Pitch: 4mm
  • mounting flange: DN63CF with through holes
  • travelling flange: DN63CF with through holes
  • bakeout temperature: 150°C
  • pressure range: 1E-11 to 1000 mbar
  • He leak rate: <1E-10 mbar*l/s


Note: Depending on travel length, MZ63 must be supported with a stand if mounted horizontally

Possibly an end-user certificate (EUC) is required from purchaser.
Export licence from the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) or Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) may be required

Possibly an end-user certificate (EUC) is required from purchaser.
Export licence from the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) or Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) may be required

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